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Welcome To My Home Page
This is the directorate of Sports,
a section of the National Association
of Microbiology Students [NAMS] in Abia
State University Uturu in Nigeria.
The body administrates,co-ordinates and
controls the affairs and facilities of
sports and games in the organization.
In this case, it has the responsibilities
of organising or hosting of sport activites.
It also liable and authorised to handle
contracts especially in it's field such as
construction and rehabiliation of courts,
fields and procurement of sport and game
facilities or equitment.
There is vacanies for registration
into the club[s] of your choice.
Visit the about page for more details
[informations] about how to register
with the various sporting clubs. then
e-mail us at:
This body is made up
two major offices which
are namely :
Director of Sports
This office is the apogee of
all the offices in the association.
It controls and co-ordinates the
general affair of the directorate.
He is entitled to issuing of appointment
at when due to the members.
He is the head of the board.

Club Manages:
This offices co-ordinates the affair
of the clubsides in the board. He
organises and approves membership in
the various clubsides.
He is the second person in the board.

This is scheduled for 2003\2004
Academic session and should be noted:
Sat. 23rd August '03
08:00 Hrs G.M.T.
There will be a meeting by the board
for a dialogue and nomination for the
following offices;
* Club managers
* Comittee members

And lots more...

And for more information mail
us with this address:

Thanks for visiting our
website today and we'll
appreciate it most when
you send us your regards
through the email address
written above.
And if you have an article
you will wish to send to
this association will be
highly welcomed.

Comrade Wadibia Nosike V.
Direction of Sports

The Home of NAMS